Skating really can take you anywhere. We recently realized our long-time dream to visit Cuba when we joined 24+ others for Skate Cuba 2018. It was a magical, memorable visit to a world so close yet so vastly different from ours and, for decades, closed to us. I’m honored to represent our group and give you tiny sample of what we did, saw and felt. I hope to fill you with curiosity and leave you with a desire to join Skate Cuba 2019.
Like a pebble in a pond, the ripples of culture, color and challenge – about the way we think and what we take for granted – have yet to reach the shore. I’m excited to share early some thoughts and impressions.
My skate-mate and I agree on this: after skating through 23 states, 9 countries and countless US weekend skate events, Skate Cuba will always have a special place in our hearts. The experience deepened our love for skating and cemented our belief that skating creates unity spanning borders, generations and language.
What is Skate Cuba?
Here’s the Science Guy version – just the facts:
- Skate Cuba happens in November and requires about 10 days, including travel to and from Miami.
- We visited 6 distinctly different locations in Northern Cuba, staying in remote villages, resorts and Havana.
- It’s an affordable and relaxing break from reality as we know it.
- Time stands still and the days are long – just not long enough.
- The event was well-organized yet fluid in all the right ways.
- Our delightfully patient and good-natured host, Jose Bordas, has a contagious love of skating and his country – We were in good hands every minute. Our “bodyguards” kept us safe from ourselves.
- Cuba is safer than your own neighborhood, no matter where you live in the USA.
- You’ll get your name on the tour shirt and, if you’re smart, you’ll buy an extra one.
- You’ll return with some killer Cuban cigars, a rum problem and a very full heart.
If luxury is your vibe, join for just the Havana leg and take a cruise for the rest of your trip.
Why Cuba?
To answer this question and do justice to the richness and depth of the experience, I remind readers of the questions you’ve all heard before: “People still rollerblade?” or “Where are the paths?” or “Why do you skate?”
We joined Skate Cuba because we love adventure almost as much as skating and Cuba offers both. Honestly, we didn’t do a lot of research before we left. Looking back, I’m glad we just went along for the ride, or the roll, I guess. Maybe if we all did more of that, we’d be half as chill and content as the Cuban people we met.
The Connections
Have you ever made a friend while skating? Someone from a demographic, location or political mindset so far from yours you are surprised you can carry on a conversation? After a few miles you realize you have more in common than not. You forget about all the stuff you rely on to describe who you are and what you do, what you have, who you voted for, where you were born and simply focus on the present moment. This is Cuba every day, every place, every person. Open and interested. Stress-free.
The best example I can share: I spent 90 minutes with a Cuban guy, Rodrigo, who didn’t speak a word of English (I know maybe five words in Spanish). I learned more about what matters to him than I know about most of my long-time coworkers. We never lost eye contact. He was so earnest about sharing, and really seemed to care that I understood. The conversation took a lot of effort – he draw in the dirt to help me understand and insisted I look under the hood of his pride and joy.
He described with his hands how he lost his wife in a plane crash how he fixes 1954 Plymouth himself (self-taught mechanics are everywhere here). He was so proud of the USA socks his granddaughter had sent him. He hopes to visit another country before he dies. The pure human emotion coming from this stranger made me believe we truly can change the world through simply listening to one another and made me realize I need to pay more attention to the people in my life.
Many of us gave our stuff away on the street and on the spur of the moment. Skates, helmets, shoes, spandex, you name it, because it felt so good to simply share our abundance and the gratitude was so meaningful.
The Surprises
Without WiFi and cell connections for most of the trip, we rediscovered pastimes from our younger days and all of us felt the years melt away. We collected shells. We watched sunsets. We went for long, ambling walks to nowhere. We braided each others hair (even the dudes), gave impromptu massages and told skate stories. We dove from cliffs, kicked back on beaches and practiced yoga (with goats, seriously) overlooking the ocean.
We learned that Cubans love Americans. They understand what it’s like to have a (fill in the blank) running the country. They are sympathetic and optimistic on our behalf.
Bottled water costs more than rum. Never take drinkable water for granted. Cut yourself off at the point where nearly-free alcohol makes you stupid. It happens.
There is such a thing as chocolate tequila.
Tourists flock to Cuba from everywhere but the US. We are still a novelty to Cubans and there is so much to see that is as it was 60+ years ago.
Several of the hundreds of exhibits from multi-story Fabrica des Arte. Street art from Cienfuegos, Trinidad and Havana.
Everyone uses directional signals because they can’t get another car and there’s no such thing as insurance.
I didn’t witness one single act of aggression anywhere in this country. So much we could learn…
There is no advertising of any kind, anywhere. Just the ubiquitous, enthusiastic billboards and paintings cheering Fidel, Che and the Revolution. Gotta love the solidarity. So much we could learn….
The airport: if the fishnet stockings are white, you are arriving. If they are black, you are departing. It’s a thing. You can’t bring car batteries, “white weapons”, magnets, grenades, rat poison, brass knuckles, graffiti paint or anything radioactive in your carryon luggage. Consider yourself warned.
The Skating
If you’re thinking about going for the skating, read this part carefully and all the way to the end.
You will not be skating every day. When you do skate, it will likely be a comical mash-up of slow touring, one giant hill, and (if you’re lucky) a marathon right out of Alice in Wonderland. Nothing is what you think it will be. Spectators ran alongside us as we skated a seriously improvised route due to whales on the road. We later learned Jose meant waves. The main seaside road, the Malecon, was flooded from the full moon tide.
When you go, don’t worry about the places you didn’t skate. You’ll burn off the calories from the plentiful rum while you hike, explore caves, dive into pristine grottos and snorkel. Most of us danced for more hours than we skated and wouldn’t have had it any other way.
For your non-skating “plus one” there’s a lot to do. Bring them – they’ll feel right at home.
These lovely, genuine people have very little. The little skaters show up for practice at their speed tracks in skates and skin suits. Parents sit on benches in the heat for hours watching their children skate and supporting them with their presence in every way. No distractions, no phones, no signs of impatience. The delightful youngsters play and skate relentlessly, never complaining and truly grateful for the reward of a Dixie cup of soda at the end of a good workout.
Here, for the fortunate few who have the opportunity, skating is a privilege, a chosen way of life, alive with a sense of freedom and the pure joy of movement in community with others. The laughter of children blends in with the enthusiasm of spectators and the endless music of Cuba. Tony Acuna, the reigning national champion, is recognized everywhere he goes as a celebrity hero.
Here, a pair of skates can cost the equivalent of months of wages for most Cuban families.
When (like most of us do) you own multiple pair of skates, it takes a while to grasp just how precious are these vehicles of hope, and the kids outgrow them every year. To stay on the team, they need new skates. We decided to become frequent donors. It matters.
Here, the kids respectfully contained their eagerness as they viewed the donations. When they got the ok to try some of the skates, they took turns.
The Skaters
We traveled with a collection of characters who defy any summary or brief description. Each has a story, each a set of quirks and lovable traits. I encourage you to view the trip through their photos and posts. Everyone has a unique and important story to tell about the trip. You can see their names on the tour shirt.
I could write a book about this trip.
We joined Skate Cuba expecting a new and exciting experience. We got that and more.
We went knowing we would be giving. What we didn’t know is this: Cuba gives back exponentially and her gifts will never be outgrown.
We’re going back. Hope to see you there!

Colleen Clark is the organizer of Skate Boston.
- To find out more about Skate Cuba visit and follow them on Facebook
- We had Lenny Gilmore, an amazing professional photographer with us. Check out his website and Instagram page.